
Installation at Stroll Garden, LA for debut solo show 'There are things I'd rather whisper' 2023

Installation at Stroll Garden, LA for debut solo show 'There are things I'd rather whisper' 2023

Installation at Stroll Garden, LA for debut solo show 'There are things I'd rather whisper' 2023

Installation at Stroll Garden, LA for debut solo show 'There are things I'd rather whisper' 2023

Installation at Stroll Garden, LA for debut solo show 'There are things I'd rather whisper' 2023

Installation at Craig Krull Gallery, solo show 'With as much sweetness as I can decently manage' 2023

Installation at Craig Krull Gallery, solo show 'With as much sweetness as I can decently manage' 2023

Installation at Craig Krull Gallery, solo show 'With as much sweetness as I can decently manage' 2023

"To Adhere, to separate" installed at Egg Collective NYC for the show 'Support Systems' 2021

"Untitled (Basket)" installed at Egg Collective NYC for the show 'Support Systems' 2021

"He Sounded like a Wave" installed at Egg Collective NYC for the show 'An Unbound Chain' 2020

"I'd Forgotten" installed at Egg Collective NYC for the show 'An Unbound Chain' 2020